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2 jan. 2024 19:39:00

Verkocht naar Ecuador

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An approved 5* prospect and BWP stallion, poised to make waves in the equestrian world. This stallion is the perfect embodiment of power and scope, showcasing a remarkable blend of strength and agility that sets it apart.

What adds to the allure of this promising stallion is its robust dam line. The lineage traces back to Krisia, the 3rd dam, a distinguished performer at the 160 level alongside the skilled rider Marc Van Dijck. Krisia's legacy of excellence runs deep, contributing to the genetic makeup of this stallion and ensuring a solid foundation of athleticism.

Notably, this stallion has already left a mark with strong performances in the Stallion Competition of 2023, attesting to its competitive spirit and potential. As it continues to develop and showcase its abilities, this BWP-approved stallion stands as a testament to the breeding standards of excellence.

Keep an eye on this rising star—a harmonious blend of lineage, power, and performance—a true representation of the next generation of top-tier equestrian


Geboortedatum 01-05-2018
Geslacht Hengst
Kleur Schimmel
Studbook BWP
Stokmaat 170
BTW 21.00%



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